Raising a highly sensitive child can bring unique challenges and opportunities. Highly sensitive children often face high levels of anxiety, which can lead to a lack of self-confidence. As a parent, providing your child with coping strategies, support, and encouragement is important to help them cultivate self-confidence. Below are some tips for helping your highly sensitive child develop confidence.

Understand Your Child’s Sensitivity

The first step to helping your highly sensitive child develop self-confidence is to understand and accept their sensitivity. Highly sensitive children have highly attuned senses and can easily become overwhelmed by external stimuli. They are often very sensitive to emotions, both their own and those of others, and can be emotionally reactive. It’s important to understand and accept that your child is sensitive and recognize that their behaviors, reactions, and emotions are normal.

Tailor Your Approach

Highly sensitive children need understanding and acceptance from their parents. It’s important to tailor your parenting approach to your child’s needs. Try to be patient, supportive, and understanding when communicating with your child. Creating a safe space for them to talk about their feelings and allowing them to express their emotions can help them develop more confidence.

Encourage Independence

Allowing your child to take on small tasks and encouraging them to make their own decisions can help them develop self-confidence. Give your child tasks to do that are appropriate to their age and skill level. Let them have some control and decision-making power so they can feel capable and competent.

Provide Validation and Encouragement

Validating your child’s feelings helps them feel accepted and safe. Providing positive feedback and encouragement when they succeed can also help them to feel more confident. Letting your child know that you have faith in them and trust their abilities can also help to bolster their confidence.

Model Confidence

Children learn by example, so it’s important to model confident behavior. Let your child know that you believe in their potential, and show them how to handle challenging situations with confidence. Teach them how to handle criticism, setbacks, and difficult emotions in a positive way.

Make a Positive Home Environment

Creating a positive home environment is key to helping your highly sensitive child build confidence. Spend quality time together doing activities you both enjoy. Show your child that you value their unique perspective and that you are always available to listen to their thoughts and feelings. Avoid criticism and instead focus on praising their efforts and validating their experiences. Establish consistent rules and routines to create a feeling of safety and predictability.

Teach Problem-Solving and Coping Strategies

Highly sensitive children often struggle with situations that other kids may be able to handle more easily. Teaching your child problem-solving and coping strategies can give them the tools they need to manage their emotions and deal with difficult situations. Consider enrolling your child in a class or program focused on problem-solving and emotional regulation.

Build a Positive Support Network

Help your child develop a positive support network. Connect them with other children, family members, and positive role models who can provide them with the support and understanding they need. Friends, mentors, and community members can all help to raise your child’s self-esteem and confidence.


Finding the right balance of support and encouragement is key to helping your highly sensitive child develop self-confidence. Knowing your child’s needs and giving them the help and support they need to navigate the world confidently can help them become well-adjusted, secure, and successful adults.

It’s not easy raising a highly sensitive child. That’s why Riverbend Life Strategies is here to help. We provide coaching and counseling for individuals and families. Whether you need family therapy or individual coaching, our experienced, caring staff can help you find the right approach for your family. Contact us today to learn more.